יום ג Date: 4 Cheshvan, 5774 (10/28/14) – Yevamos#24 {Tani}

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[24b middle] Mishna: If an idolatress woman is suspected of having a relationship with a Jewish man and then she converts, she is forbidden to marry him [as it seems that the conversion was done for the wrong reasons]. R’ Assi [quotes the verse]: “Remove yourself from curving of mouth, and from bending of lips, distance from yourself.” We are obligated to refrain from acting in ways that can give others cause to speak ill of people.

Prac-T-cal Tidbits: We should always be careful how we act and speak, as there are always others watching and listening. We would never want to cause others to think as is we are acting inappropriately. Even if we are alone, we should realize that Hashem is always watching and listening with the ability to criticize us. We should do what we can to be as upstanding and as righteous as possible [and help avoid any rumors or Lashon Hara (evil speech) to circulate].