יום ג Date: 28 Elul, 5774 (9/23/14) – Chagigah#15 {Tani}

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Look Inward

[15b middle] Gemarah: “Acher”, Elisha ben Avuyah, went off the Derech (and became less religious) due to a supremely spiritual experience that he could not handle/interpret correctly. R’ Meir, his student, stood by his teacher even after acher went astray. R’ Dimi came from Israel, and explained: R’ Meir took a date, consumed the edible outside part, and threw the pit away (he learned worthwhile Torah teachings from Acher but threw away the rest).

T’s Lesson: “Who is wise? He who learns from all people.” Everyone has something to teach us. Just because they might not live like us or we may not agree with their standards and lifestyle, we should still learn good from them and discard the rest (i.e. Learn from Chassidim the value of staying away from secular ideals and Pritzus and surrounding ourselves with Jews and Torah values; learn from a Dati Leumi how to combine Torah and a love for Isreal while working in the modern world; learn from the poor beggar dedication and persistence, etc.)